Money doesn't grow on trees, but future does.
The end of Amazon deforestation is within reach. Now it's up to you.

Dear Governments at COP29,
The Amazon is essential to stop the climate crisis and is being destroyed at a rapid pace. But not all hope is lost. In 2023, deforestation in the Legal Amazon declined by ~40%*. An unprecedented success. After a long time, we once more have Amazon governments seriously dedicated to ending deforestation by 2030. But they cannot achieve that goal by themselves. National budgets are tight and it‛s a big challenge. The Amazon Fund has succeeded before and exists so that governments around the world can help fund the end of deforestation. We call on all G20 countries to each give €100 million for the fund and suggest a series of reforms to accelerate the impact of the fund. You can read exactly what this could look like at
Rarely can we achieve so much with so little. Let’s get it done!
Thank you!

The forest against
the climate crisis
Decades of deforestation have destroyed 22% of the forest. We are approaching a dangerous tipping point after a complete loss can no longer be prevented.
But it's not too late yet.