Initiative Transparente Zivilgesellschaft

We are committed to transparency. As a signatory of the Transparent Civil Society Initiative we provide the following information to the public and will update it continuously.
1. Name, registered office, address and year of foundation

Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation
Lindemannstr. 13
82327 Tutzing

Foundation of the Children and Youth Initiative: January 2007
Foundation of the Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation: November 11, 2011

Click here for our contact details.

Transparency Seal
Planet Logo
The contact person for the Transparent Civil Society Initiative is Lukas Mühlbauer. He can be reached via e-mail ( or by post at the above address.
2. Complete statutes as well as information about the goals of our organization

Here you can find our statutes.

Plant-for-the-Planet empowers children to take action against the climate crisis. The goal: plant 1 trillion trees. Find out why the world needs 1 trillion more trees here.

On the page "About us" we describe which concrete activities we pursue.

3. Information on the tax benefit

The Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation (tax number: 117/147/05395) is a legally capable foundation under civil law with recognition by the Government of Upper Bavaria through a foundation deed dated November 11, 2011. It is exempt from corporate income tax according to the notice of exemption of the Fürstenfeldbruck tax office dated May 21, 2024, because, within the meaning of §§ 51 ff. AO (German Tax Code), it exclusively and directly serves the following charitable purposes:

  • Promotion of science and research
  • Promotion of education
  • Promotion of national and professional education, including student aid
  • Promotion of nature conservation and landscape preservation
  • Promotion of international spirit, tolerance in all areas of culture and the idea of international understanding.
4. Name and function of key decision-makers

Jens Waltermann, Chairman of the Board of Directors
Bernhard Hannemann,
Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors
Michael Durach,
Member of the Board of Directors
Dr. Josep Santacreu, Member of the Board of Directors
Caroline Gusinda, Executive Manager

Here you can find an overview of our boards and employees.

5. Activity report

We report in detail on our activities in our transparency report.

The latest information can be found in the blog.

6. Personnel structure

In 2023, 28 employees (full-time equivalent) work in our secretariat in Tutzing near Munich. The core team includes 5 members who are completing their voluntary ecological year. In addition, we are supported by about 100 volunteers. These are mainly academy moderators and parents who look after our clubs or plan events.

You can find out who works for us in which function under "Team".

7. Information on the source of funds

You can find a breakdown of the origin of funds in our transparency report.

Under "Annual Reports" you will find the annual reports of the past years.

8. Information on the use of funds

We are aware that with every donation you also give us a piece of trust. Trust that we will use the money well and efficiently. That we and our local partners will handle it responsibly.

Yes, we feel responsible! And we use the money to the best of our knowledge and belief. Of course, this also includes an independent review of our results.

You can also find information on the use of funds in our transparency report.

9. Corporate legal relationship with third parties

The Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation is the sole shareholder of Plant-for-the-Planet Service GmbH, which is responsible for issuing and brokering licenses, acquiring and supporting sponsors and communicating the idea and values of Plant-for-the-Planet.
It does this by selling the Change Chocolate and purchasing and retiring CO2 certificates, among other things.

Furthermore, the Foundation holds 100% of the shares in Guten Holding UG, which in turn holds 100% of the shares in Woodola GmbH. Woodola was an online platform for sustainable unique wood products. It is being dissolved.

10. Large donations
In the last reporting year, there were no grants from either legal entities or individuals that exceeded 10% of the total annual revenue.