How does Plant-for-the-Planet ensure that the trees grow well and survive?

Plant-for-the-Planet has the seedlings of up to 30 different tree species grown in an established tree nursery and then plants them out after four to six months. Planting takes place during the rainy season (around July to December), because the young plants have a particularly good chance of survival then. In the first few months, it is crucial to keep short the grass, which grows quickly and up to two meters high and competes with the seedlings for sunlight, water and nutrients.

No less important is the fact that we provide our employees with good training and pay them above the standard rate, instead of the daily wages, piecework payments or bonuses that are often the norm for plantations. This is because the satisfaction of all employees, who identify strongly with the trees, also contributes to the focus on the quality of the planting and care of the trees. Many of our employees regard the young trees almost like their children, whom they cherish and for whom they feel responsible.